The Rocky Mountain Sex Summit strives to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. This event is wheelchair accessible and ADA compliant. To be respectful of those with allergies and environmental sensitivities, please refrain from wearing strong fragrances. This program has regular breaks and movement throughout. Please bring items that support your health and wellness.

From the Maple Grove Hot Springs Website: What spaces are ADA accessible?

Given the historic and rustic nature of our property, ADA accessibility is not always feasible nor easy in some areas. However, it is possible and we are excited and committed to continually increase both access and ease to our pools, restrooms, and nightly stay units.

Currently, our Stone Latrines are ADA compliant and accessible although wheelchair access can be difficult on gravel pathways. Our team is happy and willing to assist when needed.

ADA parking is available in front our our River House and the River House lobby and changing stalls accommodate wheelchair access. River House restrooms are too narrow for wheelchair access although support bars are present in each room.

Our most ADA friendly unit is our Granite Stone Shelter. All tent sites are wheelchair accessible. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact no later than August 1, 2024.